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1. What is a safelist?
2. How does a credit based safelist work?
3. What is 1 credit worth?
4. How can I earn credits?
5. What is the Ad Rotation System?
6. How does the Ad Rotation System work?
7. Who can use the ARS?
8.What does it cost for my ad to be displayed?
9.What kind of banners or ads can I display with ARS?


1. What is a safelist?
A safelist is a membership site which allows it's members to exchange email ads with one another. That means that you would be able to email an advertisement to the entire membership of a safelist and in exchange you would agree to receive email ads from other members. These emails cannot be considered as spam because every member has opted in and comfirmed their email address. A safelist can be used to advertise websites, business oppertunities and so forth.

2. How does a credit based safelist work?
With the credit based mailer you can use your email credits to send ads to the other members of this safelist. Offering credits as an incentive for members to open your ads insures that your email will be open and your sites will be seen.

3. What is 1 credit worth?
1 credit is 1 member of this safelist that you can send your ad to.

4. How can I earn credits?
You can earn credits by clicking on the credit links contained inside each of the emails you receive from this safelist. You can also earn additional credits by referring new members to the site or by purchasing them here.

5. What is the Ad Rotation System?
It is a system that rotates banners and text ads throughout the safelist.

6. How does the Ad Rotation System work?
When you add your banner or ad to ARS, It will be put in rotation with the ads of other members and will be randomly displayed on the site every time a page is loaded.

7. Who can use the ARS?
All members of this safelist.

8. What does it cost for my ad to be displayed?
Email credits can be exchanged for ad impressions at a rate dependent on your membership level.

9. What kind of banners or ads can I display with ARS?
You can display any ad or banner as long as it doesn't violate the safelist terms.

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